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Pastor Sam Brown & Family
The Way Church finds its roots in the heart of a man and his family who have been profoundly affected by the Lord and His Word. He has given us hope for the life to come in Jesus Christ-- the One who said, "I am the way... no one comes to the Father, but through Me." He has also given us help for life from day to day, teaching us how to trust in Him with all our heart, showing us how to be content in the good times and bad, and giving us peace, joy, wisdom, freedom, and so much more, in order to live this life in the abundance God intended, no matter our circumstances. We have come to share what He has freely given to us with the people of La Grande and the surrounding valley that they too might receive the HOPE and HELP of the LORD GOD through His Son, Jesus Christ.
(Pictured: Pastor Sam Brown & Kathleen Brown)

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